Old Wives Tales...
Below are our articles on the subject of Old Wives Tales. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Chocolate Causes Spots
Spots can be a devastating development for a teenager; right when a person is about as vulnerable as they will ever be, with the worst self image, is right about when…...
Cut Hair Grows Back Faster
“Don’t shave there- the hair will only grow back faster, darker, and thicker!” Such is the wives tale about the effects of cutting hair. Does cutting hair have any…...
Do Birds Flying Into A Home Equate To Death?
Birds have long thought to be associated with otherworldly powers- not other planetary, but other worldly, as in the spirit world. Their ability to fly far and high in…...
Kissing the Blarney Stone
The King of Munster was a hero- at least to one old woman. The story goes he rescued her from drowning in a raging river, and in return the woman cast a spell to give…...
No Coat in the Cold Causes Pneumonia
Playing out in the cold without a coat on seems to rank right up there with stealing and smart mouthing when it comes to affronts against mothers, and many a child has…...
Stepping on a Rusty Nail Causes Tetanus
Yet another wives tale that plagued many a mother and child is that surrounding the fear of not getting a tetanus vaccine would lead inevitably to a child getting…...
Use a Match to Remove a Tick
Finding a tick lodged in your epidermis happily feeding on your life’s blood can be a scary moment. Just the fact that an insect is drinking your blood is bad enough,…...
Waiting After Eating Before Going Swimming
Summer time at the beach, lake or swimming pool is a magical time for children, but come lunch time a certain anxiety starts to set in. All the swimming surely builds…...